Spinal Energetics

Spinal Energetics is an innovative energy healing modality developed by Dr. Sarah Jane Perri, a chiropractor and counselor. Combining her expertise in Network Spinal Chiropractic with extensive studies of Eastern practices, Dr. Perri has created a powerful approach that integrates Eastern and Western philosophies to harmonize your spine, nervous system, and energy field.

  In Spinal Energetics, we work with the physical spine and the nervous system through the energetic field to shift, unwind, discover, and release deep-seated tension patterns, resistance, and unprocessed emotions through an organic deepening of the breath, expression of sound, or the need to move or stretch. Spinal Energetics allows us to release and let go, without reliving painful memories.

This modality fosters deep introspection and helps us reconnect with our true selves. Through Spinal Energetics we can discover, connect with, and take ownership of our energy. By exploring the depths of your inner self and establishing a strong connection with your energy, you are ultimately paving the way to a liberated and authentic path.

This practice harnesses the innate wisdom within you—the same wisdom that heals wounds,  keeps your heart beating, and organizes your physical body and energetic layers.

Our bodies record all past experiences. Tension or stored energy can accumulate when we encounter events beyond our tolerance. Spinal Energetics allows us to access these areas of disconnection and tension, inviting anything unprocessed, or that no longer supports us to surface, be felt, expressed, and integrated.

It’s important to understand that Spinal Energetics is a collaborative practice, not something imposed on a client. Practitioners facilitate a journey of deep self-awareness, holding space for clients to heal themselves

This truly transformative work does require a high level of commitment from the client in order to get the most out of what Spinal Energetics has to offer them. If you are ready and have been looking for more, this is your opportunity.

What to Expect

Before your session

Before your first Spinal Energetics session, there will be extra time to ensure you and your practitioner have a meaningful and comprehensive introduction before diving into the treatment. This includes getting to know you better and understanding your unique journey and intentions.

It's important to foster a genuine connection with you, as this will enhance the effectiveness of your work together. We want to hear about your experiences, what has led you to seek Spinal Energetics, and what you hope to achieve through the sessions.

This time will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the process, the techniques involved, and what you can expect. Your comfort and understanding are paramount, and we are here to ensure you feel supported and informed every step of the way.

During your session

rDuring a session of spinal energetics, each client will have a unique experience, as no two sessions are alike, even for the same individual. Each session is tailored to the client’s specific needs and current state of being. However, there are some general elements you can expect. 

Firstly, please wear comfortable clothing, as you will be lying on a treatment table for about 45 minutes. While laying face down on the table, the session will begin with a physical assessment, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the tension patterns stored in your body. After this initial assessment, your practitioner will gently touch your back and neck along the spine to gather more information and connect with an access point. Throughout the session you will feel gentle touches in areas along the spine, this helps bring awareness to the specific area on the body and allows the practitioner to gather more information.

You will hear various noises during the session. These sounds are part of the process, helping to focus the intention to activate areas, connect with layers of your field, and send energy where needed. The sounds are also cues for your subconscious mind and for your body's innate intelligence system.

In the first few sessions of Spinal Energetics, everything is intentionally slowed down. The primary focus during these initial sessions is to help you build a strong mind-body connection to create a sense of safety in the body, both with the practitioner, and within the modality. As this connection and sense of safety develop, you may notice various sensations. These can include tingling, temperature changes, and sensations of light or heavy pressure. Some people may experience visuals or feel emotions more deeply during the session.

The body can respond in many ways, and all responses are welcomed and considered part of the healing process. You might experience twitching, shaking, crying, laughing, deep sighs of relief, swaying, stretching, deep emotional release or stillness, and a sense of peace. The body naturally expresses whatever it needs to, so any urge or impulse it has is fully embraced during the session. For most individuals starting Spinal Energetics, their experience can be very subtle initially. This gradual, supportive approach ensures that your experience is safe and tailored to your needs, allowing you to build a deeper connection with your body and the healing process.

It's important not to become overly focused on the movements that can sometimes occur during these sessions. Movement is not the primary goal but rather a byproduct for some individuals. Some people never feel the urge to move on the table, as they process internally. For a few individuals, movement and sound may come naturally from the very first session. Others may begin to experience involuntary movements or urges to move only after several sessions. All of these experiences are valid and appropriate for the person on the table.

After your session

Each session involves both the physical body and the energetic self. This blend can enhance communication between your body’s nervous system and the energetic layers of your being. This may provide a lot of information to process, unwind, organize, and integrate; therefore, it’s important to give yourself nurturing time after and between sessions.

Engaging in other forms of significant energetic work immediately after or between sessions is not advised. Instead, it is recommended to continue or begin subtle energy practices such as meditation, journaling, yoga, or massage.

Please note that your response to each session may vary, and you will continue to respond to the session over the next 12-72 hours, sometimes even longer. It is not uncommon to notice:

- Feeling disoriented or light-headed

- Feeling more energized or feeling exhausted

- Detoxification experiences such as nausea, changes in bowel movements, or headaches

- Greater awareness of your body

- Emotional releases like crying, laughing, or anger during and after sessions (and not even knowing why!)

- Changes in breath during and after sessions

- Regions of ease or discomfort

Be extra kind to yourself after and between sessions. Drink plenty of water, take a gentle walk or rest, connect with your breath, and pay attention to your body and your energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Anyone who is interested in addressing stress, emotional blockages, past traumas, limiting beliefs, and the physical manifestation of these in the body, in a supportive environment.

    If you are looking to deepen self awareness, connect with your inner wisdom, or are curious about energy healing, this work is for you.

  • When we are actively choosing to release what is stored in the body, it is not always pleasant. There is a reason we have chosen to distract ourselves from it. However, it feels deeply relieving to finally let it go. There are no painful memories associated, just expressions of emotions that were previously unprocessed

  • There is so much more to this work than the movements you see!

    for many people the first few sessions or more are subtle and focused on creating safety and connection. The body will only begin to release and unwind when it feels safe to. The process will unfold at the perfect pace for you and your level of openness.

    For some people, they process and unwind internally and this is just as effective for them.

  • feeling a sense of calm, feeling the breath beginning to move through the body with more ease, and some people begin to feel more connected and aware of their body. People commonly feel a sense of "expansion" when they get off the table.

    You may not initially feel shifts happening consciously, but there is more taking place within you on a deeper, subtle level

  • I’m an inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming practitioner. I want to assure you my practice is inclusive for everyone, I welcome you to share as much or as little as you want with me to help you feel comfortable joining my healing space. This is an accepting, safe space where everyone is respected and valued

  • It is recommended 3+ sessions to fully benefit from what Spinal Energetics has to offer. After the initial 3 sessions, clients usually come back monthly or when they feel they need a session.