Our Story

Our story began in the first grade, when two of us found each other again. From that day forward, we have shared everything, from our joy, to challenges, and dreams. Our friendship is more than just a bond; it is a profound connection, a knowing that our souls have known each other long before this life.  Meeting each other is what some might call “Kismet”.

 As we grew older, our curiosity led us both on a spiritual journey of self-realization alongside each other.  We have supported and learned from one another while exploring energy, metaphysics, mysticism,  meditation, and more. Our shared soul’s journey ignited a passion for understanding the unseen forces that shape our lives. 

We discovered Spinal Energetics and from the moment we encountered this profound practice, we both felt a deep and undeniable calling. It was as if everything in our lives had led us to this point, and we knew instantly that this was the work we were meant to do together. In February 2024, we embarked on a transformative journey to Australia, where we attended their in-person course.

 Our business, Heart Centered Healing, was born of this shared vision and passion. We believe that tremendous healing can occur when are connected to the center of our being, our heart. This sacred space is the bridge between our humanity and our divinity. It’s in the heart where unconditional love and our true essence resides. Our goal is to connect with our clients on a heart-to-heart level, creating a genuine bond. This deep connection creates an environment where true, meaningful changes can occur.  We are committed to empowering our clients and guiding them to their own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves. 

Our love, support, and shared growth are what make Heart Centered Healing a unique and powerful force for good in the world. Together, we are committed to raising the consciousness of the Earth, one heart at a time. Our journey is just beginning, and we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to walk this path together, as friends and partners, united in purpose and passion.

  • Hello, I’m Maddie! I am a certified Spinal Energetics and Reiki 3 Practitioner.

    Driven by a passion and purpose to serve and support others, it is my goal to foster meaningful connections, create positive change, and empower individuals to reach their fullest potential.

    My personal journey through anxiety and illness, along with witnessing the struggles of loved ones, motivated me to seek deeper meaning and solutions beyond surface-level treatments.

    In 2019, after becoming certified in Reiki, my passion for healing and service blossomed into a rich and synchronistic journey of exploration. This journey has led me to delve into the science of human energy fields, the subconscious mind, trauma, sound healing, and meditation. My search for a more comprehensive, holistic healing modality eventually led me to finding Spinal Energetics.

    In February 2024, I completed an in-person Spinal Energetics course, a transformative practice that engages the nervous system, spine, and energy field to access the body's innate intelligence system and its natural ability for self-healing and self-regulation.

    Spinal Energetics has fundamentally transformed my life; as a practitioner, client, and conduit for deeper healing and personal evolution. To me, Spinal Energetics is a remembering. Remembering who you truly are, without the pain. It is a journey of expansion and reunion home--back to yourself. Spinal Energetics has given me the opportunity to experience and cultivate the Divine Presence within myself, a Divine Presence that is within us all.

    Through my journey of purpose and passion to support and serve others, I cannot think of a more honorary way than through the facilitation of Spinal Energetics. I look forward to the opportunity to support and hold you through your journey of remembering who you truly are, without your pain.

  • Hello, I’m Abigail 

    I am a Certified Spinal Energetics Practitioner, Reiki 2 practitioner, and a licensed Massage Therapist for five years. My journey of self-realization over many years has deeply enriched my passion for serving others and helping them to know their innate worthiness.

    I embarked on a career in massage therapy driven by an undeniable call to the world of bodywork. While I love massage therapy and recognize its immense value, I often found that the results were temporary and only addressed surface-level issues. This realization inspired me to explore the deeper connections between trauma, unprocessed emotions, and stress, and how these can become stored in our bodies.

    My search for more comprehensive healing modalities led me to study and integrate various energetic practices and therapies into my work, ultimately guiding me to Spinal Energetics. I  attended their in-person course in Melbourne, Australia in February of 2024.

    Spinal Energetics has transformed my life. From my personal experience as both a practitioner and a client I believe spinal energetics is about wholeness fundamentally. It’s about reuniting with the parts of us we divided to stay safe. Spinal Energetics has allowed me to feel more fully embodied and I cannot think of a more worthy endeavor than assisting others on this journey.

    I look forward to the opportunity to support you and hold space for you on your unique path.